Trending Equities delivers comprehensive digital investor relations solutions to give public companies a competitive edge in an ever growing and changing global market. Historically, digital marketing and investor relations firms have been stand alone businesses. Today’s digital world has morphed the two together.
We have 3 avenues we take to grow your investor base.
Our Digital Funnel markets the company’s investment thesis to our investor audience, collects data on the investors that connect, and re-markets to them over and over again. We also create look-a-like audiences based on the investor profiles that have expressed interest in your company and go through the same messaging process.
Chat rooms have become more and more prevalent with “Covid Trader Rush”. Trending connects with moderators of these online investor/trader groups and pitches them on the clients investment thesis.
Lastly through our successes over the years we have built robust following of investors, media experts, and advisory groups. Trending coordinates “Investor Pitches” online through a platform very similar to Zoom. These 3 avenues have proven to help grow a company’s shareholder base.
Trending specializes in Nasdaq and NYSE uplists and IPOs.
More and more investors are doing their own due diligence and making investment decisions based on research and marketing they find online. Trending Equities brands and positions our clients’ investment thesis online to targeted investor groups.
Our principals and marketing partners have decades of experience breathing life into otherwise unknown business models by simply applying many of the traditional methods of advertising online. Authors of magazines and newspaper columns have been replaced with trendsetters and influencers in chat rooms and online forums.
Trending Equities designs tactical and creative awareness programs for issuers to reach these online writers.
We are here to help
Get in touch with us today and let’s start improving your business!